
Let us illuminate a few ways to optimize the computer based calculation of a power function be, with b (base) and e (exponent) both being integers.

Parts of the optimizations analyzed here arise from the optimizing compiler (optimizing option -O3 vs. unoptimizing/debugging options -O0 and/or -g), part from the algorithms used (runtime behavior O(lg(n)) vs. O(n)), part from wise knowledge of number of available work registers (not that many e.g. on the x86-32 architecture), parts from avoiding expensive and/or overhead-imposing operations (e.g. div).

The sample implementations are compiled for a x86-32 (ia32, Intel x86 32 bit) system, and an armv6 (arm-32, ARM 32 bit) system, with gcc (GNU C compiler), advanced optimization level -O3 (so the compiler already does a good job; our optimizations are additions to that; assembly level optimizations take the route over adapted C code here and therefore are helped by the compiler as well). All sources, x86-32 assembly output, makefiles, etc, can be found as ipow-optimizations.tar.gz while snippets of it are spread into this article (C language in red, assembly in green (loop code only)).

The (C language) method's signature shall be:

    extern int ipow(int b, unsigned int e);

linear-recursive implementation

    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        return (e == 0 ? 1 : b * ipow(b, e - 1));
(reference implementation, speed-up factor 1.0; all speed-up factors are relative to this; larger values are better)

The speed factors are taken from measuring 109 or 108 iterations of calculating ipow(3,19) (319; 3 being the first (lowest) multi-bit number, 19 the last number not resulting in overflow with the chosen base number 3 on (signed) 32 bit systems), on a x86-32 (ia32) and armv6 (arm-32) systems (number of cores doesn't matter here, as being in the single-thread domain).

linear-iterative implementation

    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        int p = 1;
        while (e > 0) {
            p *= b;
        return p;
speed-up factor 4.4 (x86-32) 3.4 (armv6)

Still being linear in run time behavior (O(n)), but avoiding the function call overheads and stack operations.

recursive implementation

The non-linear algorithms build on the mathematical transformation be == (bn)(e/n), with n chosen 2 for further optimizations (shifts and other bit operations) in a binary number system. The (two) cases of e being odd or even are handled differently, both recursively here. b2n => (b*b)n, b2n+1 => b*b2n [=> b*(b*b)n]. The odd case can't be directly transformed to an iterative form by the optimizer (compiler), as a multiplication follows the recursive call.
    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
            (e == 0 ? 1 :
            (e % 2 == 0 ? ipow(b * b, e / 2) :
            b * ipow(b, e - 1)));
speed-up factor 3.7 (x86-32) 2.5 (armv6)

There is still quite an overhead from function calls and stack operations.

iterative implementation

If an additional state, the product, is introduced, the recursion can be transformed into an iteration.
    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        int p = 1;
        while (e > 0) {
            if (e % 2 == 0) {
                b *= b;
                e /= 2;
            } else {
                p *= b;
        return p;
speed-up factor 6.4 (x86-32) 3.5 (armv6)
        .L14:   testl   %edx, %edx      # e == 0 ?
                je      .L3
        .L16:   movl    %edx, %ebx      # temporary e
                movl    %ecx, %edi      # temporary b
                shrl    %ebx            # e / 2
                movl    %ebx, -16(%ebp) # temporary e
                movl    %eax, %ebx      # temporary p
                imull   %ecx, %edi      # b *= b
                imull   %ecx, %ebx      # p *= b
                leal    -1(%edx), %esi  # e - 1
                andl    $1, %edx        # e % 2
                jne     .L6
                movl    -16(%ebp), %edx
                movl    %edi, %ecx
                testl   %edx, %edx
                jne     .L16
        .L3:    ...
        .L6:    movl    %esi, %edx
                movl    %ebx, %eax
                jmp     .L14
The produced x86 code however uses stack based variables (besides the cpu registers edx/ebx/ecx/edi/esi, as the optimizer run out of usable i386 registers) and has lots of movs, both making it relatively slow.
        .L9:    and     r2, r1, #1      @ e % 2 [e&1]
                cmp     r2, #0          @ (e%2) == 0 ?
                mul     ip, r3, r3      @ b * b
                mul     r2, r3, r0      @ p * b
                sub     r4, r1, #1      @ e - 1
                movne   r1, r4          @ if((e%2)!=0) e = e-1
                moveq   r1, r1, lsr #1  @ if((e%2)==0) e /= 2 [>>=1]
                moveq   r3, ip          @ if((e%2)==0) b = (b*b)
                movne   r0, r2          @ if((e%2)!=0) p = (p*b)
                cmp     r1, #0          @ e == 0 ?
                bne     .L9
The produced armv6 code does both multiplications per iteration, using conditional moves (and discards some of the calculations).

Both problems can be countered by simplifying the C code (possibly introducing overhead such as unneeded additional operations in the last iteration).

slightly optimized assembly version of the iterative implementation

Eliminating 3 conditional moves, and cpu register r4 use.

speed-up factor 4.3 (armv6)

        .L9:    and     r2, r1, #1
                cmp     r2, #0
                muleq   r3, r3, r3
                mulne   r0, r3, r0
                subne   r1, r1, #1
                moveq   r1, r1, lsr #1
                cmp     r1, #0
                bne     .L9

iterative implementation (coalesced operations)

It turns out if the if/else construct is replaced by a sole if-block, and replaced loop end test, relative speed is doubled, due to more economic use of cpu registers on x86-32, as well as cutting the number of loop iterations.
    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        int p = 1;
        for (;;) {
            if (e % 2 != 0) {
                p *= b;
            if (e == 0) {
            b *= b;
            e /= 2;
        return p;
speed-up factor 14.7 (x86-32) 6.7 (armv6)
        .L7:    imull   %ecx, %ecx      # b *= b
                shrl    %edx            # e >>= 1
        .L4:    testb   $1, %dl         # (e & 1) == 0 ?
                je      .L2
                imull   %ecx, %eax      # p *= b
                subl    $1, %edx        # e--
        .L2:    testl   %edx, %edx      # e == 0 ?
                jne     .L7
The compiler (optimizer) has anticipated the use of binary operations (formulated explicitly in C in the iterative implementation with binary operators implementation below (right shift instead of division by 2, least significant bit testing instead of remainder of 2), so this version is already quite at speed.
        .L4:    tst     r1, #1
                subne   r1, r1, #1
                mulne   r0, r3, r0
                cmp     r1, #0
                mul     r3, r3, r3
                mov     r1, r1, lsr #1
                bne     .L4
In the armv6 code, unnecessary multiplications are now too avoided.

iterative implementation (parametrized)

Let's check the parametrized (division and remainder constants) version of the non-linear iterative form for speed.
    int ipowx(int b, unsigned int e, int two) {
        int p = 1;
        for (;;) {
            if (e % two != 0) {
                p *= b;
            if (e == 0) {
            b *= b;
            e /= two;
        return p;

    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        return ipowx(b, e, 2);
speed-up factor 1.1 (x86-32) 1.1 (armv6)
        .L7:    movl    %ecx, %eax      # e
                xorl    %edx, %edx      # preparation for division/remainder operation
                divl    %esi            # e / 2 , e % 2
                imull   %ebx, %ebx      # b *= b
                movl    %eax, %ecx      # e = e/2
        .L4:    xorl    %edx, %edx      # preparation for division/remainder operation
                movl    %ecx, %eax      # e
                divl    %esi            # e / 2 , e % 2
                testl   %edx, %edx      # e % 2 == 0 ?
                je      .L2
                imull   %ebx, %edi      # p *= b
                subl    $1, %ecx        # e--
        .L2:    testl   %ecx, %ecx      # e != 0 ?
                jne     .L7
The use of division operation(s) (instead of cheaper shift and and) is a killer: very slow, and taking additional registers and preparation. The expensive division/remainder operation is even done twice per iteration in this case. More register moves, and register clear operations (the div operation is especially inflexible on x86-32) are needed.
        .L6:    bl      __aeabi_uidiv
                mov     r4, r0
                mov     r0, r4          @ e
                mov     r1, r6          @ 2
                bl      __aeabi_uidivmod
                cmp     r1, #0          @ e % 2 == 0 ?
                subne   r4, r4, #1      @ if(e%2!=0) e--
                mulne   r7, r5, r7      @ if(e%2!=0) p *= b
                cmp     r4, #0          @ e == 0 ?
                mov     r1, r6          @ restore arg0, arg1
                mov     r0, r4
                mul     r5, r5, r5      @ b *= b
                bne     .L6
Similar, double div[mod] calculation in the armv6 code, as well as additional movs and registers used, and the more expensive div operation(s).

iterative implementation (parametrized, reordered for assembly optimization)

Let's prepare a (even worse (more overheaded)) version as base for further assembly optimization.
    int ipowx(int b, unsigned int e, int two) {
        int p = 1;
        do {
            if (e % two != 0) {
                p *= b;
            e /= two;
            b *= b;
        } while (e != 0);
        return p;

    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        return ipowx(b, e, 2);
speed-up factor 1.0 (x86-32) 1.1 (armv6)
        .L7:    imull   %ebx, %ebx
        .L4:    xorl    %edx, %edx
                movl    %ecx, %eax
                divl    %esi
                testl   %edx, %edx
                je      .L2
                imull   %ebx, %edi
        .L2:    movl    %ecx, %eax
                xorl    %edx, %edx
                divl    %esi
                testl   %eax, %eax
                movl    %eax, %ecx
                jne     .L7
This is even slower due to one additional multiplication in the last iteration. This version however serves as the base for an optimization eliminating half of the division operations.

assembly optimized version of the parametrized reordered iterative implementation

Taking both div's results (/ and % operations).

speed-up factor 1.5 (x86-32)

        .L7:    imull   %ebx, %ebx
        .L4:    xorl    %edx, %edx
                movl    %ecx, %eax      # e
                divl    %esi            # e / 2, e % 2
                movl    %eax, %ecx      # e = e / 2
                testl   %edx, %edx      # e % 2 == 0 ?
                je      .L2
                imull   %ebx, %edi      # p *= b
        .L2:    testl   %ecx, %ecx      # e == 0 ?
                jne     .L7
faster when eliminating the redundant division, but still slow

iterative implementation with binary operators

    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        int p = 1;
        for (;;) {
            if (e & 1) {
                p *= b;
                e &= ~1;
            if (!e) {
                return p;
            b *= b;
            e >>= 1;
speed-up factor 14.8 (x86-32) 6.7 (armv6)
        .L3:    imull   %ecx, %ecx      # b *= b
                shrl    %edx            # e >>= 1
        .L4:    testb   $1, %dl         # (e & 1) == 0 ?
                je      .L2
                imull   %ecx, %eax      # p *= b
                andl    $-2, %edx       # e &= ~1
        .L2:    testl   %edx, %edx      # e == 0 ?
                jne     .L3
This version explicitly uses binary operations in the C code. Assembly outputs and performances are almost identical to the coalesced implementation seen earlier (only differences: subl $1,%edx vs. andl $-2,%edx / subne r1,r1,#1 vs. bicne r1,r1,#1 ).
        .L4:    tst     r1, #1          @ (e & 1) == 0 ?
                bicne   r1, r1, #1      @ if((e&1)!=0) e &= ~1
                mulne   r0, r3, r0      @ if((e&1)!=0) p *= b
                cmp     r1, #0          @ e == 0 ?
                mul     r3, r3, r3      @ b *= b
                mov     r1, r1, lsr #1  @ e >>= 1
                bne     .L4
The armv6 version is easier to read due to the conditional operations imposing less local jumps.

iterative implementation with binary operators (parametrized)

Let's check the influence of inlined constants vs. registers.
    int ipowx(int b, unsigned int e, int one, int noteone) {
        int p = 1;
        for (;;) {
            if (e & one) {
                p *= b;
                e &= noteone;
            if (!e) {
                return p;
            b *= b;
            e >>= 1;

    int ipow(int b, unsigned int e) {
        return ipowx(b, e, 1, ~1);
speed-up factor 9.3 (x86-32) 6.3 (armv6)
        .L3:    imull   %ecx, %ecx
                shrl    %edx
        .L4:    testl   %ebx, %edx
                je      .L2
                imull   %ecx, %eax
                andl    %esi, %edx
        .L2:    testl   %edx, %edx
                jne     .L3
The parametrized x86-32 version is slower here (factor 1.6), than using constants, despite they take more space in code and cpu caches.
        .L4:    tst     r1, r2
                andne   r1, r1, r3
                mulne   ip, r0, ip
                cmp     r1, #0
                mul     r0, r0, r0
                mov     r1, r1, lsr #1
                bne     .L4
The parametrized armv6 version is only marginally slower here (factor 1.1).

Dropping the e-- or e&=~1 operation would lead to an even tighter loop, but bears the overhead of an additional (discarded) multiplication (and a shift), turning out to be less effective on the chosen test case.

Copyright (C) 2015 Eric Laroche. All rights reserved.
Eric Laroche / Mon Jan 19 2015