Class BigRational

  extended by java.lang.Number
      extended by BigRational
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>

public class BigRational
extends java.lang.Number
implements java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>

BigRational implements dynamically sized arbitrary precision immutable rational numbers.

Dynamically sized means that (provided enough memory) the BigRational numbers can't overflow (nor underflow); this characteristic is different from Java's data types int and long, but common with BigInteger (which however implements only integer numbers, i.e. no fractions) and BigDecimal (which however only implements precisely rational numbers with denominators that are products of 2 and 5 [and implied 10]). Arbitrary precision means that there is no loss of precision with common arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (BigDecimal loses precision with division, if factors other than 2 or 5 are involved). [Doubles and floats can overflow and underflow, have a limited precision, and only implement precisely rationals with a denominator that is a power of 2.]

BigRational provides most operations needed in rational number space calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, integer power, remainder/modulus, comparison, and different roundings.

BigRational provides conversion methods to and from the native types long, int, short, and byte (including support for unsigned values), double (binary64), float (binary32), quad (binary128, quadruple), half (binary16), and BigInteger. BigRational can parse and print many string representations: rational, dot notations, with exponent, even mixtures thereof, and supports different radixes/bases (2 to typically 36 [limited by BigInteger parsing implementation]).

BigRational uses java.math.BigInteger (JDK 1.1 and later).

Binary operations (e.g. add, multiply) calculate their results from a BigRational object ('this') and one [BigRational or long] argument, returning a new immutable BigRational object. Both the original object and the argument are left unchanged (hence immutable). Unary operations (e.g. negate, invert) calculate their result from the BigRational object ('this'), returning a new immutable BigRational object. The original object is left unchanged.

Most operations are precise (i.e. without loss of precision); exceptions are the conversion methods to limited precision types (doubleValue, floatValue), rounding (round), truncation (bigIntegerValue, floor, ceiling, truncate), as well as obviously the printing methods that include a precision parameter (toStringDot, toStringDotRelative, toStringExponent).

BigRational doesn't provide a notion of "infinity" ([+-]Infinity) and "not a number" (NaN); IEEE 754 floating point Infinity and NaN are rejected (throwing a NumberFormatException). Operations such as 0/0 result in an ArithmeticException.

Some commonly used short function names (abs, ceil, div, inv, max, min, mod, mul, neg, pow, rem, sign, sub, trunc) are additionally defined as aliases to to the full function names (absolute, ceiling, divide, invert, maximum, minimum, modulus, multiply, negate, power, remainder, signum, subtract, truncate). [This makes the interface somewhat fatter.]

BigRational internally uses private proxy functions for BigInteger functionality, including scanning and multiplying, to enhance speed and to realize fast checks for common values (1, 0, etc.).

Constructor samples: normal rational form, abbreviated form, fixed point form, abbreviated fixed point form, [exponential] floating point form, different radixes/bases different from 10, doubles/floats:

        BigRational("-21/35"): rational -3/5
        BigRational("/3"): rational 1/3
        BigRational("3.4"): rational 17/5
        BigRational(".7"): 0.7, rational 7/10
        BigRational("-65.4E-3"): -327/5000
        BigRational("f/37", 0x10): 3/11
        BigRational("f.37", 0x10): 3895/256
        BigRational("-dcba.efgh", 23): -46112938320/279841
        BigRational("1011101011010110", 2): 47830
        BigRational(StrictMath.E): 6121026514868073/2251799813685248
        BigRational((float)StrictMath.E): 2850325/1048576

Also accepted are denormalized representations such as:

        BigRational("2.5/-3.5"): -5/7
        BigRational("12.34E-1/-56.78E-1"): -617/2839

Printing: rational form, fixed point (dot) forms with different absolute precisions (including negative precision), with relative precisions, exponential form, different radix:

        BigRational("1234.5678"): "6172839/5000"
        BigRational("1234.5678").toStringDot(6): "1234.567800"
        BigRational("1234.5678").toStringDot(2): "1234.57"
        BigRational("1234.5678").toStringDot(-2): "1200"
        BigRational("1234.5678").toStringDotRelative(6): "1234.57"
        BigRational("0.00012345678").toStringDotRelative(3): "0.000123"
        BigRational("1234.5678").toStringExponent(2): "1.2E3"
        BigRational("1011101011010110", 2).toString(0x10): "bad6"

Usage: BigRational operations can be conveniently chained (sample from BigRational internal conversion from IEEE 754 bits):


The BigRational source and documentation can typically be found at the author's (Eric Laroche) site, at (source) and (documentation).

@(#)$Id:,v 1.3 2010/03/24 20:11:34 laroche Exp $
Eric Laroche <>
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int DEFAULT_RADIX
          Default radix, used in string printing and scanning, 10.
          Default round mode, ROUND_HALF_UP.
static BigRational MINUS_ONE
          The constant minus-one (-1).
static BigRational ONE
          The constant one (1).
static int ROUND_CEILING
          Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity.
static int ROUND_DOWN
          Rounding mode to round towards zero.
static int ROUND_FLOOR
          Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity.
          Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round ceiling.
static int ROUND_HALF_DOWN
          Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round down.
static int ROUND_HALF_EVEN
          Rounding mode to round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round towards the even neighbor.
          Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round floor.
static int ROUND_HALF_ODD
          Rounding mode to round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round towards the odd neighbor.
static int ROUND_HALF_UP
          Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round up.
          Rounding mode to assert that the requested operation has an exact result, hence no rounding is necessary.
static int ROUND_UP
          Rounding mode to round away from zero.
static BigRational ZERO
          The constant zero (0).
Constructor Summary
BigRational(java.math.BigInteger n)
          Construct a BigRational from a big number integer; denominator is 1.
BigRational(java.math.BigInteger n, java.math.BigInteger q)
          Construct a BigRational from numerator and denominator.
BigRational(java.math.BigInteger unscaledValue, int scale)
          Construct a BigRational from an unscaled value and a scale value, default radix (10).
BigRational(java.math.BigInteger unscaledValue, int scale, int radix)
          Construct a BigRational from an unscaled value and a scale value.
BigRational(BigRational that)
          Clone a BigRational.
BigRational(double x)
          Construct a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] double [size/precision] floating point number.
BigRational(float x)
          Construct a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] single [size/precision] floating point number.
BigRational(long n)
          Construct a BigRational from a long fix number integer.
BigRational(long unscaledValue, int scale, int radix)
          Construct a BigRational from an unscaled fix number value and a scale value.
BigRational(long n, long q)
          Construct a BigRational from long fix number integers representing numerator and denominator.
BigRational(java.lang.String s)
          Construct a BigRational from a string representation, with default radix (10).
BigRational(java.lang.String s, int radix)
          Construct a BigRational from a string representation.
Method Summary
 BigRational abs()
          An alias to absolute().
 BigRational absolute()
          Return a new BigRational with the absolute value of this BigRational.
 BigRational add(BigRational that)
          Add a BigRational to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational add(long that)
          Add a long fix number integer to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 java.math.BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
          Convert to BigInteger, by rounding.
 BigRational ceil()
          An alias to ceiling().
 BigRational ceiling()
          Ceiling, round towards positive infinity.
 int compareTo(java.math.BigInteger that)
          Compare this BigRational to a BigInteger.
 int compareTo(BigRational that)
          Compare this BigRational to another BigRational.
 int compareTo(long that)
          Compare this BigRational to a long.
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object object)
          Compare this BigRational to an Object.
 BigRational div(BigRational that)
          An alias to divide().
 BigRational div(long that)
          An alias to divide().
 BigRational divide(BigRational that)
          Divide this BigRational through another BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational divide(long that)
          Divide this BigRational through a long fix number integer and return a new BigRational.
 long doubleBitsValue()
          Convert to IEEE 754 double float bits.
 double doubleValue()
          Convert to double floating point value.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)
          Compare object for equality.
 int floatBitsValue()
          Convert to IEEE 754 single float bits.
 float floatValue()
          Convert to single floating point value.
 BigRational floor()
          Floor, round towards negative infinity.
 BigRational fractionalPart()
          Fractional part.
 short halfBitsValue()
          Convert this BigRational to IEEE 754 half float (binary16) bits.
 int hashCode()
          Hash code.
 BigRational[] integerAndFractionalPart()
          Return an array of BigRationals with both integer and fractional part.
 BigRational integerPart()
          Integer part.
 int intValue()
          Convert to int, by rounding and delegating to BigInteger.
 int intValueExact()
          Convert this BigRational to an int, either returning an exact result (no rounding or truncation needed), or throw an ArithmeticException.
 BigRational inv()
          An alias to invert().
 BigRational invert()
          Return a new BigRational with the inverted (reciprocal) value of this.
 boolean isInteger()
          Integer predicate.
 boolean isMinusOne()
          Minus-one predicate.
 boolean isNegative()
          Negative predicate.
 boolean isOne()
          One predicate.
 boolean isPositive()
          Positive predicate.
 boolean isZero()
          Zero predicate.
 long longValue()
          Convert to long, by rounding and delegating to BigInteger.
 long longValueExact()
          Convert this BigRational to a long integer, either returning an exact result (no rounding or truncation needed), or throw an ArithmeticException.
 BigRational max(BigRational that)
          An alias to maximum().
 BigRational max(long that)
          An alias to maximum().
 BigRational maximum(BigRational that)
          Return the maximal value of two BigRationals.
 BigRational maximum(long that)
          Return the maximum value of a BigRational and a long fix number integer.
 BigRational min(BigRational that)
          An alias to minimum().
 BigRational min(long that)
          An alias to minimum().
 BigRational minimum(BigRational that)
          Return the minimal value of two BigRationals.
 BigRational minimum(long that)
          Return the minimal value of a BigRational and a long fix number integer.
 BigRational mod(BigRational that)
          An alias to modulus().
 BigRational mod(long that)
          An alias to modulus().
 BigRational modulus(BigRational that)
          Calculate the modulus of this BigRational and another BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational modulus(long that)
          Calculate the modulus of this BigRational and a long fix number integer and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational mul(BigRational that)
          An alias to multiply().
 BigRational mul(long that)
          An alias to multiply().
 BigRational multiply(BigRational that)
          Multiply a BigRational to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational multiply(long that)
          Multiply a long fix number integer to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational neg()
          An alias to negate().
 BigRational negate()
          Return a new BigRational with the negative value of this.
 BigRational pow(int exponent)
          An alias to power().
 BigRational power(int exponent)
          Calculate this BigRational's integer power and return a new BigRational.
static boolean quadBitsEqual(long[] a, long[] b)
          Compare two IEEE 754 quad size (quadruple precision, binary128) floating point numbers (each represented as two longs).
 long[] quadBitsValue()
          Convert this BigRational to IEEE 754 quad float (binary128, quadruple) bits.
 BigRational rem(BigRational that)
          An alias to remainder().
 BigRational rem(long that)
          An alias to remainder().
 BigRational remainder(BigRational that)
          Calculate the remainder of this BigRational and another BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational remainder(long that)
          Calculate the remainder of this BigRational and a long fix number integer and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational round()
          Round by default mode (ROUND_HALF_UP).
 BigRational round(int roundMode)
 int sign()
          An alias to signum().
 int signum()
 int singleBitsValue()
          An alias to floatBitsValue().
 BigRational sub(BigRational that)
          An alias to subtract().
 BigRational sub(long that)
          An alias to subtract().
 BigRational subtract(BigRational that)
          Subtract a BigRational from this BigRational and return a new BigRational.
 BigRational subtract(long that)
          Subtract a long fix number integer from this BigRational and return a new BigRational.
static void test()
          Run tests.
 java.lang.String toString()
          BigRational string representation, format "[-]n[/q]", default radix (10).
 java.lang.String toString(int radix)
          BigRational string representation, format "[-]n[/q]".
 java.lang.String toStringDot(int precision)
          Dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a precision, default radix (10).
 java.lang.String toStringDot(int precision, int radix)
          Fixed dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a precision.
 java.lang.String toStringDotRelative(int precision)
          Dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a relative precision, default radix (10).
 java.lang.String toStringDotRelative(int precision, int radix)
          Dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a relative precision.
 java.lang.String toStringExponent(int precision)
          Exponent-format string representation, with a relative precision, default radix (10), "[-]i[.f]E[-]e" (where i is one digit other than 0 exactly; f has no trailing 0);
 java.lang.String toStringExponent(int precision, int radix)
          Exponent-format string representation, with a relative precision, "[-]i[.f]E[-]e" (where i is one digit other than 0 exactly; f has no trailing 0);
 BigRational trunc()
          An alias to truncate().
 BigRational truncate()
          Truncate, round towards zero.
static BigRational valueOf(java.math.BigInteger value)
          Build a BigRational from a BigInteger.
static BigRational valueOf(BigRational value)
          Convert this BigRational to its constant (ONE, ZERO, MINUS_ONE) if possible.
static BigRational valueOf(byte value)
          Build a BigRational from a byte.
static BigRational valueOf(double value)
          Build a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] double [size/precision] floating point number.
static BigRational valueOf(float value)
          Build a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] single [size/precision] floating point number.
static BigRational valueOf(int value)
          Build a BigRational from an int.
static BigRational valueOf(long value)
          Build a BigRational from a long fix number integer.
static BigRational valueOf(short value)
          Build a BigRational from a short.
static BigRational valueOf(java.lang.String value)
          Build a BigRational from a String.
static BigRational valueOfDoubleBits(long value)
          Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 double size (double precision, binary64) floating point number represented as long.
static BigRational valueOfFloatBits(int value)
          Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 single size (single precision, binary32) floating point number represented as int.
static BigRational valueOfHalfBits(short value)
          Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 half size (half precision, binary16) floating point number represented as short.
static BigRational valueOfQuadBits(long[] value)
          Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 quad size (quadruple precision, binary128) floating point number represented as an array of two longs (big endian; higher significant long first).
static BigRational valueOfSingleBits(int value)
          An alias to valueOfFloatBits().
static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(byte value)
          Build a BigRational from an unsigned byte.
static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(int value)
          Build a BigRational from an unsigned int.
static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(long value)
          Build a BigRational from an unsigned long fix number integer.
static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(short value)
          Build a BigRational from an unsigned short.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Number
byteValue, shortValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_RADIX
Default radix, used in string printing and scanning, 10.

Default radix is decimal [of course].

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final BigRational ZERO
The constant zero (0).


public static final BigRational ONE
The constant one (1).


public static final BigRational MINUS_ONE
The constant minus-one (-1).


public static final int ROUND_UP
Rounding mode to round away from zero.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_DOWN
Rounding mode to round towards zero.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_CEILING
Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_FLOOR
Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_HALF_UP
Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round up.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_HALF_DOWN
Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round down.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_HALF_EVEN
Rounding mode to round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round towards the even neighbor.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_UNNECESSARY
Rounding mode to assert that the requested operation has an exact result, hence no rounding is necessary. If this rounding mode is specified on an operation that yields an inexact result, an ArithmeticException is thrown.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_HALF_CEILING
Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round ceiling.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_HALF_FLOOR
Rounding mode to round towards nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round floor.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROUND_HALF_ODD
Rounding mode to round towards the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case to round towards the odd neighbor.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_ROUND_MODE
Default round mode, ROUND_HALF_UP.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public BigRational(java.math.BigInteger n,
                   java.math.BigInteger q)
Construct a BigRational from numerator and denominator.

Both n and q may be negative. n/q may be denormalized (i.e. have common factors, or q being negative).


public BigRational(java.math.BigInteger n)
Construct a BigRational from a big number integer; denominator is 1.


public BigRational(long n,
                   long q)
Construct a BigRational from long fix number integers representing numerator and denominator.


public BigRational(long n)
Construct a BigRational from a long fix number integer.


public BigRational(BigRational that)
Clone a BigRational.

[As BigRationals are immutable, this copy-constructor is not that useful.]


public BigRational(java.lang.String s,
                   int radix)
Construct a BigRational from a string representation.

The supported string formats are "[+-]n", "[+-]n/[+-]q", "[+-]i.f", "[+-]i", "[+-]iE[+-]e", "[+-]i.fE[+-]e" (latter two only with radix<=10, due to possible ambiguities); n and q can be any of the latter (i.e. mixed representations such as "-1.2E-3/-4.5E-6" are supported).

Samples: "-21/35", "3.4", "-65.4E-3", "f/37" (base 16), "1011101011010110" (base 2).

[Exponential representation wasn't supported in an earlier version.]


public BigRational(java.lang.String s)
Construct a BigRational from a string representation, with default radix (10).

The supported string formats are "[+-]n", "[+-]n/[+-]q", "[+-]i.f", "[+-]i", "[+-]iE[+-]e", "[+-]i.fE[+-]e" (latter two only with radix<=10, due to possible ambiguities); n and q can be any of the latter (i.e. mixed representations such as "-1.2E-3/-4.5E-6" are supported).

Samples: "-21/35", "3.4", "-65.4E-3", "f/37" (base 16), "1011101011010110" (base 2).

[Exponential representation wasn't supported in an earlier version.]


public BigRational(java.math.BigInteger unscaledValue,
                   int scale,
                   int radix)
Construct a BigRational from an unscaled value and a scale value.


public BigRational(java.math.BigInteger unscaledValue,
                   int scale)
Construct a BigRational from an unscaled value and a scale value, default radix (10).


public BigRational(long unscaledValue,
                   int scale,
                   int radix)
Construct a BigRational from an unscaled fix number value and a scale value.


public BigRational(double x)
Construct a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] double [size/precision] floating point number.


public BigRational(float x)
Construct a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] single [size/precision] floating point number.

Method Detail


public boolean isPositive()
Positive predicate.

Indicates whether this BigRational is larger than zero. Zero is not positive.

[For convenience.]


public boolean isNegative()
Negative predicate.

Indicates whether this BigRational is smaller than zero. Zero isn't negative either.

[For convenience.]


public boolean isZero()
Zero predicate.

Indicates whether this BigRational is zero.

[For convenience and speed.]


public boolean isOne()
One predicate.

Indicates whether this BigRational is 1.

[For convenience and speed.]


public boolean isMinusOne()
Minus-one predicate.

Indicates whether this BigRational is -1.

[For convenience and speed.]


public boolean isInteger()
Integer predicate.

Indicates whether this BigRational convertible to a BigInteger without loss of precision. True iff quotient is one.


public java.lang.String toString(int radix)
BigRational string representation, format "[-]n[/q]".

Sample output: "6172839/5000".


public java.lang.String toString()
BigRational string representation, format "[-]n[/q]", default radix (10).

Default string representation, as rational, not using an exponent.

Sample output: "6172839/5000".

Overwrites Object.toString().

toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String toStringDot(int precision,
                                    int radix)
Fixed dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a precision.

Precision may be negative, in which case the rounding affects digits left of the dot, i.e. the integer part of the number, as well.

Sample output: "1234.567800".

Possible loss of precision.


public java.lang.String toStringDot(int precision)
Dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a precision, default radix (10). Precision may be negative.

Sample output: "1234.567800".

Possible loss of precision.


public java.lang.String toStringDotRelative(int precision,
                                            int radix)
Dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a relative precision.

If the relative precision is zero or negative, "0" will be returned (i.e. total loss of precision).

Possible loss of precision.


public java.lang.String toStringDotRelative(int precision)
Dot-format "[-]i.f" string representation, with a relative precision, default radix (10).

If the relative precision is zero or negative, "0" will be returned (i.e. total loss of precision).

Possible loss of precision.


public java.lang.String toStringExponent(int precision,
                                         int radix)
Exponent-format string representation, with a relative precision, "[-]i[.f]E[-]e" (where i is one digit other than 0 exactly; f has no trailing 0);

Sample output: "1.2E3".

Possible loss of precision.


public java.lang.String toStringExponent(int precision)
Exponent-format string representation, with a relative precision, default radix (10), "[-]i[.f]E[-]e" (where i is one digit other than 0 exactly; f has no trailing 0);

Sample output: "1.2E3".

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational add(BigRational that)
Add a BigRational to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.

If one of the operands is zero, [as an optimization] the other BigRational is returned.


public BigRational add(long that)
Add a long fix number integer to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.


public BigRational subtract(BigRational that)
Subtract a BigRational from this BigRational and return a new BigRational.

If the second operand is zero, [as an optimization] this BigRational is returned.


public BigRational subtract(long that)
Subtract a long fix number integer from this BigRational and return a new BigRational.


public BigRational sub(BigRational that)
An alias to subtract().


public BigRational sub(long that)
An alias to subtract().


public BigRational multiply(BigRational that)
Multiply a BigRational to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.

If one of the operands is one, [as an optimization] the other BigRational is returned.


public BigRational multiply(long that)
Multiply a long fix number integer to this BigRational and return a new BigRational.


public BigRational mul(BigRational that)
An alias to multiply().


public BigRational mul(long that)
An alias to multiply().


public BigRational divide(BigRational that)
Divide this BigRational through another BigRational and return a new BigRational.

If the second operand is one, [as an optimization] this BigRational is returned.


public BigRational divide(long that)
Divide this BigRational through a long fix number integer and return a new BigRational.


public BigRational div(BigRational that)
An alias to divide().


public BigRational div(long that)
An alias to divide().


public BigRational power(int exponent)
Calculate this BigRational's integer power and return a new BigRational.

The integer exponent may be negative.

If the exponent is one, [as an optimization] this BigRational is returned.


public BigRational pow(int exponent)
An alias to power().


public BigRational remainder(BigRational that)
Calculate the remainder of this BigRational and another BigRational and return a new BigRational.

The remainder result may be negative.

The remainder is based on round down (towards zero) / truncate. 5/3 == 1 + 2/3 (remainder 2), 5/-3 == -1 + 2/-3 (remainder 2), -5/3 == -1 + -2/3 (remainder -2), -5/-3 == 1 + -2/-3 (remainder -2).


public BigRational remainder(long that)
Calculate the remainder of this BigRational and a long fix number integer and return a new BigRational.


public BigRational rem(BigRational that)
An alias to remainder().


public BigRational rem(long that)
An alias to remainder().


public BigRational modulus(BigRational that)
Calculate the modulus of this BigRational and another BigRational and return a new BigRational.

The modulus result may be negative.

Modulus is based on round floor (towards negative). 5/3 == 1 + 2/3 (modulus 2), 5/-3 == -2 + -1/-3 (modulus -1), -5/3 == -2 + 1/3 (modulus 1), -5/-3 == 1 + -2/-3 (modulus -2).


public BigRational modulus(long that)
Calculate the modulus of this BigRational and a long fix number integer and return a new BigRational.


public BigRational mod(BigRational that)
An alias to modulus().


public BigRational mod(long that)
An alias to modulus().


public int signum()
Signum. -1, 0, or 1.

If this BigRational is negative, -1 is returned; if it is zero, 0 is returned; if it is positive, 1 is returned.


public int sign()
An alias to signum().


public BigRational absolute()
Return a new BigRational with the absolute value of this BigRational.

If this BigRational is zero or positive, [as an optimization] this BigRational is returned.


public BigRational abs()
An alias to absolute(). [Name: see classes Math, BigInteger.]


public BigRational negate()
Return a new BigRational with the negative value of this. [Name: see class BigInteger.]


public BigRational neg()
An alias to negate().


public BigRational invert()
Return a new BigRational with the inverted (reciprocal) value of this.


public BigRational inv()
An alias to invert().


public BigRational minimum(BigRational that)
Return the minimal value of two BigRationals.


public BigRational minimum(long that)
Return the minimal value of a BigRational and a long fix number integer.


public BigRational min(BigRational that)
An alias to minimum(). [Name: see classes Math, BigInteger.]


public BigRational min(long that)
An alias to minimum().


public BigRational maximum(BigRational that)
Return the maximal value of two BigRationals.


public BigRational maximum(long that)
Return the maximum value of a BigRational and a long fix number integer.


public BigRational max(BigRational that)
An alias to maximum(). [Name: see classes Math, BigInteger.]


public BigRational max(long that)
An alias to maximum().


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)
Compare object for equality. Overwrites Object.equals(). Semantic of equality to non-BigRational changed from earlier version: only BigRationals can be equal. Never throws.

Overwrites Object.equals(Object).

equals in class java.lang.Object


public int hashCode()
Hash code. Overwrites Object.hashCode().

Overwrites Object.hashCode().

hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public int compareTo(BigRational that)
Compare this BigRational to another BigRational.


public int compareTo(java.math.BigInteger that)
Compare this BigRational to a BigInteger.


public int compareTo(long that)
Compare this BigRational to a long.

Bytes, shorts, and ints can use this by being promoted to long.


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object object)
Compare this BigRational to an Object.

Object can be BigRational/BigInteger/Long/Integer/Short/Byte.

Implements Comparable.compareTo(Object) (JDK 1.2 and later).

A sample use is with a sorted map or set, e.g. TreeSet.

Only BigRational/BigInteger/Long/Integer objects allowed, method will throw otherwise.

For backward compatibility reasons we keep compareTo(Object) additionally to compareTo(BigRational). Comparable<Object> is declared to be implemented rather than Comparable<BigRational>.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>


public java.math.BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
Convert to BigInteger, by rounding.

Possible loss of precision.


public long longValue()
Convert to long, by rounding and delegating to BigInteger. Implements Number.longValue(). As described with BigInteger.longValue(), this just returns the low-order [64] bits (losing information about magnitude and sign).

Possible loss of precision.

Overwrites Number.longValue().

Specified by:
longValue in class java.lang.Number


public int intValue()
Convert to int, by rounding and delegating to BigInteger. Implements Number.intValue(). As described with BigInteger.longValue(), this just returns the low-order [32] bits (losing information about magnitude and sign).

Possible loss of precision.

Overwrites Number.intValue().

Specified by:
intValue in class java.lang.Number


public double doubleValue()
Convert to double floating point value. Implements Number.doubleValue().

Possible loss of precision.

Overwrites Number.doubleValue().

Specified by:
doubleValue in class java.lang.Number


public float floatValue()
Convert to single floating point value. Implements Number.floatValue().

Note that BigRational's [implicit] [default] rounding mode that applies [too] on indirect double to BigRational to float rounding (round-half-up) may differ from what's done in a direct cast/coercion from double to float (e.g. round-half-even).

Possible loss of precision.

Overwrites Number.floatValue().

Specified by:
floatValue in class java.lang.Number


public long doubleBitsValue()
Convert to IEEE 754 double float bits. The bits can be converted to a double by Double.longBitsToDouble().

Possible loss of precision.


public int floatBitsValue()
Convert to IEEE 754 single float bits. The bits can be converted to a float by Float.intBitsToFloat().

Possible loss of precision.


public int singleBitsValue()
An alias to floatBitsValue().

Possible loss of precision.


public short halfBitsValue()
Convert this BigRational to IEEE 754 half float (binary16) bits.

As a short value is returned rather than a int, care has to be taken no unwanted sign expansion happens in subsequent operations, e.g. by masking (x.halfBitsValue()&0xffffl) or similar (x.halfBitsValue()==(short)0xbc00).

Possible loss of precision.


public long[] quadBitsValue()
Convert this BigRational to IEEE 754 quad float (binary128, quadruple) bits.

The bits are returned in an array of two longs, big endian (higher significant long first).

Possible loss of precision.


public long longValueExact()
Convert this BigRational to a long integer, either returning an exact result (no rounding or truncation needed), or throw an ArithmeticException.


public int intValueExact()
Convert this BigRational to an int, either returning an exact result (no rounding or truncation needed), or throw an ArithmeticException.


public static BigRational valueOf(BigRational value)
Convert this BigRational to its constant (ONE, ZERO, MINUS_ONE) if possible.


public static BigRational valueOf(java.lang.String value)
Build a BigRational from a String.

[Roughly] equivalent to new BigRational(value).


public static BigRational valueOf(java.math.BigInteger value)
Build a BigRational from a BigInteger.

Equivalent to new BigRational(value).


public static BigRational valueOf(long value)
Build a BigRational from a long fix number integer.

[Roughly] equivalent to new BigRational(value).

As an optimization, commonly used numbers are returned as a reused constant.


public static BigRational valueOf(int value)
Build a BigRational from an int.


public static BigRational valueOf(short value)
Build a BigRational from a short.


public static BigRational valueOf(byte value)
Build a BigRational from a byte.


public static BigRational valueOf(double value)
Build a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] double [size/precision] floating point number.


public static BigRational valueOf(float value)
Build a BigRational from a [IEEE 754] single [size/precision] floating point number.


public static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(long value)
Build a BigRational from an unsigned long fix number integer.

The resulting BigRational is positive, i.e. the negative longs are mapped to 2**63..2**64 (exclusive).


public static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(int value)
Build a BigRational from an unsigned int.

The resulting BigRational is positive, i.e. the negative ints are mapped to 2**31..2**32 (exclusive).


public static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(short value)
Build a BigRational from an unsigned short.

The resulting BigRational is positive, i.e. the negative shorts are mapped to 2**15..2**16 (exclusive).


public static BigRational valueOfUnsigned(byte value)
Build a BigRational from an unsigned byte.

The resulting BigRational is positive, i.e. the negative bytes are mapped to 2**7..2**8 (exclusive).


public static BigRational valueOfDoubleBits(long value)
Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 double size (double precision, binary64) floating point number represented as long.

An IEEE 754 double size (binary64) number uses 1 bit for the sign, 11 bits for the exponent, and 52 bits (plus 1 implicit bit) for the fraction/mantissa. The minimal exponent encodes subnormal nubers; the maximal exponent encodes Infinities and NaNs.

Infinities and NaNs are not supported as BigRationals.

The conversion from the bits to a BigRational is done without loss of precision.


public static BigRational valueOfFloatBits(int value)
Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 single size (single precision, binary32) floating point number represented as int.

An IEEE 754 single size (binary32) number uses 1 bit for the sign, 8 bits for the exponent, and 23 bits (plus 1 implicit bit) for the fraction/mantissa. The minimal exponent encodes subnormal nubers; the maximal exponent encodes Infinities and NaNs.

Infinities and NaNs are not supported as BigRationals.

The conversion from the bits to a BigRational is done without loss of precision.


public static BigRational valueOfSingleBits(int value)
An alias to valueOfFloatBits().


public static BigRational valueOfHalfBits(short value)
Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 half size (half precision, binary16) floating point number represented as short.

An IEEE 754 half size (binary16) number uses 1 bit for the sign, 5 bits for the exponent, and 10 bits (plus 1 implicit bit) for the fraction/mantissa. The minimal exponent encodes subnormal nubers; the maximal exponent encodes Infinities and NaNs.

Infinities and NaNs are not supported as BigRationals.

The conversion from the bits to a BigRational is done without loss of precision.


public static BigRational valueOfQuadBits(long[] value)
Build a BigRational from an IEEE 754 quad size (quadruple precision, binary128) floating point number represented as an array of two longs (big endian; higher significant long first).

An IEEE 754 quad size (binary128, quadruple) number uses 1 bit for the sign, 15 bits for the exponent, and 112 bits (plus 1 implicit bit) for the fraction/mantissa. The minimal exponent encodes subnormal nubers; the maximal exponent encodes Infinities and NaNs.

Infinities and NaNs are not supported as BigRationals.

The conversion from the bits to a BigRational is done without loss of precision.


public static boolean quadBitsEqual(long[] a,
                                    long[] b)
Compare two IEEE 754 quad size (quadruple precision, binary128) floating point numbers (each represented as two longs). NaNs are not considered; comparison is done by bits. [Convenience method.]


public BigRational round(int roundMode)


If rounding isn't necessary, i.e. this BigRational is an integer, [as an optimization] this BigRational is returned.

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational round()
Round by default mode (ROUND_HALF_UP).

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational floor()
Floor, round towards negative infinity.

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational ceiling()
Ceiling, round towards positive infinity.

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational ceil()
An alias to ceiling().

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational truncate()
Truncate, round towards zero.

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational trunc()
An alias to truncate().

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational integerPart()
Integer part.

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational fractionalPart()
Fractional part.

Possible loss of precision.


public BigRational[] integerAndFractionalPart()
Return an array of BigRationals with both integer and fractional part.

Integer part is returned at offset 0; fractional part at offset 1.


public static void test()
Run tests.

Implementation is commented out at distribution time; run at development and integration time.

Asserts conditions; use '-ea' java startup option to enable asserts.