sqfig // sqtile

Figure construction patterns for figures constructed from squares [polyominoes], and tiling construction patterns.

This is an exercise in optimizing data access algorithms (patterns), domain specific data representations, and code microarchitecture. Optimization results are obvious, considering the calculation efforts needed for larger figures. Some considerations about symmetry have been done as well.

Recursive patterns

A recursive approach is to construct figures from a smaller figure set, and that one from an even smaller set etc., e.g. size 4 from size 3 from size 2 from size 1 (a single square). The sqfig program implements this pattern.

Non-recursive patterns

A non-recursive approach is to generate all square patterns populating a certain area, and check the candidates for the wanted properties (e.g. connectivity), to get the solution set. The sqfigb program implements this pattern.

Figure generating patterns

The figures in question (e.g. sqfig #2.1.2 in the first sample below) can be calculated by the accompanying program (sqfig, provided as source and binary), invoked with that figure specification (#2.1.2) as a program argument.

Generating larger figures by adding a square

This sample of adding a square starts with the simplest figure (sqfig #1.1.1 º sqfig #1.1 º sqfig #1), one square sized (leaving away the degenerate case of an empty, square-less, figure [sqfig #0]). The square in question can of course be added on any figure's edge that is not yet connected to a an existing square, sometimes resulting, based on the figure's symmetry, in duplicate results. [A source figure's symmetry could be considered, to suppress some duplicate result generation, but since most figures are rather asymmetrical, the gain would be small; and the duplicate result reduction step can't be left away due to duplicate results generated from unrelated source figures.]

|  |
|  |
|  |
|  |
sqfig #2.1.2
|  |  |
|  |  |
sqfig #2.1.1
|  |
|  |
sqfig #1
|  |  |
|  |  |
sqfig #2.1.1
|  |
|  |
|  |
|  |
sqfig #2.1.2

Rotating the figure

Rotating the figure one fourth (90 degrees, pi/2) results, depending on the figure's symmetry, in up to four siblings (i.e. 1, 2 or 4 exactly). Rotation to the left (counterclockwise, in mathematically positive direction) has been chosen, right-rotation leads to the same result set (r º l-1 º l3). Rotating one half forms a subgroup of the one fourth rotation (h º l2 º r2) and is not additionally considered.

|  |
|  |
|  |  |
|  |  |
sqfig #3.2.1
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  |
|  |
sqfig #3.2.3
¯ ­
   |  |
   |  |
|  |  |
|  |  |
sqfig #3.2.2
|  |  |
|  |  |
   |  |
   |  |
sqfig #3.2.4

Mirroring the figure

Mirroring the figure results, depending on the figure's symmetry, in a possible additional sibling, which, rotated, accounts to the up to total eight siblings (i.e. 1, 2, 4 or 8 exactly). Mirroring on X/Y diagonal has been chosen (of the four possible mirror lines that preserve a figure's lines' X/Y axis parallelism).
   |  |  |
   |  |  |
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sqfig #4.5.1
   |  |
   |  |
|  |  |
|  |  |
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sqfig #4.5.2

Sample siblings eight-tuple (sqfig #5.8), obtained by mirror and rotation operations:

                                 +--+     +--+                 +--+     +--+
                                 |  |     |  |                 |  |     |  |
                                 |  |     |  |                 |  |     |  |
                                 +--+  +--+--+                 +--+     +--+--+
                                 |  |  |  |  |                 |  |     |  |  |
                                 |  |  |  |  |                 |  |     |  |  |
      +--+--+     +--+--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+        +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+--+
      |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |
      |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |
+--+--+--+--+  +--+--+--+--+  +--+--+  +--+     +--+--+--+--+  +--+--+     +--+  +--+--+--+--+
|  |  |  |     |  |  |        |  |     |  |        |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |        |  |  |
|  |  |  |     |  |  |        |  |     |  |        |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |        |  |  |
+--+--+--+     +--+--+        +--+     +--+        +--+--+--+     +--+     +--+        +--+--+
sqfig #5.8


Some of the figure sets (e.g. the distinct figure set of size 5 [pentominoes]) produce rectangular tilings (some of the others don't; e.g. with size 4 [of all the #4 figures, only figure #4.3 has a parity disbalance, which makes it impossible to fit them into a rectangle]).
|        |  |        |        |
|        |  |        |        |
|  +--+--+  +--+  +--+  +-----+
|  |  |        |  |     |     |
|  |  |        |  |     |     |
|  |  +--+  +--+  +-----+  +--+
|  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  |
|  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  |
+--+--+  +--+  +--+  +--+  |  |
|     |     |     |  |     |  |
|     |     |     |  |     |  |
|     +--+--+  +--+  +--+--+  |
|        |     |  |     |     |
|        |     |  |     |     |
+--------+-----+  +-----+--+  |
|              |           |  |
|              |           |  |
first size 5 10*6 tiling

Continuous tilings

Some of the figure sets do not produce tilings that fit into a single rectangle cell, but in more than one cell. Such tilings can be used all the same to tile larger areas, just the edges will pose problems.

.  |        |  .
.  |        |  .
+--+--+  +--+  |
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |
|     +--+-----+
|     |        |
|     |        |
+-----+-----+  |
|           |  |
|           |  |
   |        |     |
   |        |     |
+--+--+  +--+  +--+
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |
|     +--+-----+
|     |        |
|     |        |
+-----+-----+  |
|           |  |
|           |  |
size 4 5*4 continuous tiling (one of eight distinct tilings)

A sample of a more irregular shaped continuous tiling:

      |        |  |     |
      |        |  |     |
   +--+--+  +--+  +--+  +--+-----+
   |     |  |        |  |  |     |
   |     |  |        |  |  |     |
   +--+  |  +--+  +--+  |  +--+  +--+
      |  |  |  |  |     |     |     |
      |  |  |  |  |     |     |     |
      |  +--+  +--+--+--+  +--+--+  |
      |     |  |     |     |     |  |
      |     |  |     |     |     |  |
      +-----+  +--+  +-----+     +--+
      |        |  |        |        |
      |        |  |        |        |
+-----+--------+  +--------+--+-----+
|              |           |  |
|              |           |  |
+--------------+--------+--+  +-----+
                        |           |
                        |           |
first size 5 10*6 continuous tiling

Note that size 3 doesn't even produce continuous tilings, but different (in this cases rotamere) tilings can be annealed to give a rectangular cell:

|  |        |     |
|  |        |     |
|  +--+-----+--+  |
|     |        |  |
|     |        |  |
two annealed size 3 tilings


An order in enumerating squares, figures, tilings, etc is needed for program data structures (e.g. primary index, for fast search). This order can be achieved by specifying compare methods for these entities. The compare methods for larger entities may build on those for smaller ones.

A square may be seen as a two letter word out of an alphabet consisting of non-negative integer numbers. The compare methods for a square will typically define {0,0} < {1,1}. Since two coordinates [X and Y] are involved with a square, a precedence needs to be defined, e.g. Y over X, which defines {1,0} < {0,1}. [This can be seen as the X coordinate being represented by the least significant bits.]

A figure may be seen as an ordered word of squares, the size of the figure being the length of the word. Comparing two figures will compare the figures' squares stepwise until a difference is found. That difference (i.e. the first distinct square) defines the figure order. One may define that if the figures have different size and are the same up to the shorter size: smaller figure < larger figure. [Such an approach may be seen as a generalized string compare algorithm.]

A tiling may be seen analogously, as a word of figures. A figure's first square (defined by the square compare method, see above) defines the figure's position in the 'figure word'.

Such models are independent of symmetry properties (e.g. rotameres need not have neighborhood property in this ordering scheme). This may make the computationally fundamental part of ordering simpler and more performant.


Several considerations about figures' and tilings' symmetries will reduce the result sets (and hence make enumeration counts more interesting) and reduce the search space (which is very performance relevant with the backtracking algorithms).

Tiling symmetry

Tilings with pieces of size 4 or greater can't have symmetry axes, since there is always at least one non-symmetric tiling piece, e.g. the L-shaped one, which can't be reflected by any axis. So the number of solutions in these cases is always a multiple of four [to get the number of distinct solutions, one might {alternatively} count all solutions and divide that count by 4 (which would be slower though)].

Solution reduction is usually enforced by confining a specified piece to a board's specified quadrant. If that piece lies on a board's symmetry axis and itself is symmetrical to that axis (as the I-shaped {first} piece is), a second piece must be considered, and so on. Since the second piece is usually the asymmetric L-shaped piece, this search won't go too far.

A flexible algorithm may chose to keep indices for the X and Y symmetry indicating up to which piece symmetry is maintained.

The quadrant calculation can be done by means of calculating a piece's pivot (center of mass/gravity), which is a quite cheap operation, that can be done while checking whether the piece fits into the target position. If a pivot lies on the axis in question, typically some knowledge of the piece's symmetry is assumed (for performance). It is however not mandatory that partial tiling solutions (generated in the context of assembling tilings) exist that trigger a check for a second piece's pivot (and tests have shown that with the chosen search strategy, the size 5 tiling search doesn't trigger such a case).

Continuous tiling origin

The origin in a continuous tiling can be chosen ad liberate, so a solution can be translated to any of the board's positions.

The e.g. 640 solutions of a 4*5 continuous tiling are reduced by factor 20 (which is the total number of positions in a 4*5 board) to 32 by 'freezing' a specified piece (the first one, for convenience) to the zero position. These 32 solutions are further reduced by factor 4 by freezing another piece's (the second, for convenience, which must be and is asymmetric) layout to 2 of 8 rotameres/mirrors.


A different approach for figure generation is based on reducing the set of possible bitmaps of n pixels in a n*n area.

The comb(n*n,n) bitmap patterns [e.g. comb(25,5) = 53130 bitmaps with 5 pixels] are reduced (filtered) to the properly connected bitmaps [e.g. 63 for pentominoes]. Symmetry considerations lead to the number of distinct figures [e.g. 12 pentominoes].

Output encodings

Different encodings for figure and tiling output have been implemented.

Among these encodings are found: plain ASCII encoding (using -, |, +; see this; or using only _, | [suited for very compact representation]; see this), Terminal font encoding (using textual-graphic characters, which is similar to ASCII encoding, offering more special codes such as the four corners and graphically better suited codes such as a longer dash code [however less portable]; see this), and HTML encoding (using [XBM] [bitmap] images and (optionally) HTML tables; see this).

Possible additional encodings that are not implemented include: [embedded] PostScript output, PDF output (simplified, evaluated PostScript), SVG, and bitmap image representations (raw, GIF, PNG, ...).


These figures constructed from squares joined side by side are used to be called polyominoes. The size specific polyomino names are monomino, domino, tromino/triomino, tetromino, pentomino, hexomino, and so on. Mathematically, they are sometimes referred to as n-ominoes. Lattice animal is yet another name for a polyomino (animal being the term for a sphere's topological equivalent; see links for even more terminologies).

Of the polyominoes, only distinct sets of size 1, 2, and 5 polyominoes can be arranged into a rectangle. Size 4 and 6 polyominoes have parity disbalances (if the pieces are checkered, there will always be more of one color, so they can't fit a [balanced] rectangle). Sets of polyominoes of size 7 and larger will contain pieces with cavities which cannot be filled by neighbor figures (and hence cannot be used to fill integral shapes; see links for solutions for non-integral shapes, etc).

Pentominoes (size 5 polyominoes) are often used as puzzles. The puzzle problem may be to tile all of the (12) pentominoes or a subset into a rectangle or some other shape.

There is also a nomenclature for the pentomino pieces based on their resemblance to latin letters (see this). The mapping is {F, I, L, N, P, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z} to {#5.9, #5.1, #5.2, #5.8, #5.4, #5.7, #5.5, #5.6, #5.10, #5.12, #5.3, #5.11}. Yet another mapping seems to be {O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z} to {#5.1, #5.4, #5.2, #5.9, #5.8, #5.7, #5.5, #5.6, #5.10, #5.12, #5.3, #5.11}.

Building figures out of triangles or hexagons (instead of squares) e.g. leads to polyiamonds and polyhexes.

[Info thanks to the many web pages about this topic! (Some of them can be found here.)]

Ideas implemented

Many aspects were considered to cut down calculation overheads, e.g. in search strategies and temporary memory allocation.
memory management unintensive lower level data structures
The lower level data structures (squares, sibling groups) were implemented in a way to allow allocation of temporary data elements (e.g. new figure candidates) without heap memory management overhead involved. Knowledge of the (small) maximum number of siblings was e.g. taken advantage of. This is typical C stuff and can't be applied e.g. in Java.
extended binary search functionality
C's bsearch (fast, binary search) functionality has been extended to keep position information besides locating elements for later insertion.
sophisticated search strategies
It is taken advantage of specific knowhow on internal data representations. E.g. search for X-coordinate neighbor can be limited to adjacent data cells. This makes the algorithms less generic, but faster.
keeping hints
Some of the search operations generate information that later is used as hint to other operations in order to make them faster. Often hints can be used to skip (expensive) normalization.
Caching is used and needed to be able to use recursive patterns.
exponential allocations
Exponential resource (memory) allocations are applied to cut down reallocation overhead.
html encoding
Yet another HTML generating program. ;-)
backtracking search algorithm (sqtile)
A tiling engine is implemented to find initial and subsequent tilings.
optimized state handling (sqtile)
The tiling engine uses labels (gotos) in state handling, to enhance search performance.
callback filters (sqfigb)
Callback filters are used to reduce the set of generated bitmaps to a set of valid figures, for code decoupling (however, optimizing hints are implemented too). In order to allow callback filters, the callback mechanism is designed to be chainable.
debugging facilities to test strategies (sqfigb)
Debugging facilities are provided to test correctness of optimization strategies.
bit propagation (sqfigb)
Bit propagation is used in the generalized bitmap connectivity check. For optimization, whole lines are propagated at once.
optimized bit operations (sqfigb)
Optimized operations are used while handling bits (in bit propagation, connectivity sub-checks, alignment checks, etc).


Options common to the applications:

-encoding: Chose the appropriate output encoding. Output goes to standard-output. See the summary usage information (-? option) for available encodings. Default is ASCII.
-imagesize (html-with-images encoding): Specify image sizes put into HTML output. Default is 8.
-imagesuffix (html-with-images encoding): Specify image files suffix. Default is .xbm.
-local (html-with-images encoding): Use local, relative image references in HTML output.
-plotsize: Specify square edge size. Default is 3. Shortcut would be -3.

[See the application's summary usage information (application -?) for options' applicability.]

sqfig usage

See the many samples above for the sqfig size[.number[.sibling]] usage.

sqfig -? will provide summary usage information:

usage: sqfig [-encoding {ASCII, underscores, Terminal-font, html-with-images} [-imagesize <size>] [-imagesuffix <suffix>] [-local]] [-plotsize <size>|-<size>] [{-counts|-plots|-texts} [<uppersize>]] [<size>[.<number>[.<sibling>]] ...]

See the common options too.

-counts: Calculate and display figure counts. An upper size (exclusive) can be specified.
-plots: Enumerate and plot figures. An upper size (exclusive) can be specified. [See also -encoding.]
-texts: Enumerate figures and print their textual representation. An upper size (exclusive) can be specified.
size or size.number or size.number.sibling: Plot specified figure lists / sibling lists / figures (more than one can be specified).

Sample: sqfig -counts:

figure size 0: 0 figures (0 distincts)
figure size 1: 1 figures (1 distincts)
figure size 2: 2 figures (1 distincts)
figure size 3: 6 figures (2 distincts)
figure size 4: 19 figures (5 distincts)
figure size 5: 63 figures (12 distincts)
figure size 6: 216 figures (35 distincts)
figure size 7: 760 figures (108 distincts)
figure size 8: 2725 figures (369 distincts)
figure size 9: 9910 figures (1285 distincts)

sqtile usage

sqtile -? will provide summary usage information:

usage: sqtile [-continuous] [-counts] [-encoding {ASCII, Terminal-font, html-with-images} [-imagesize <size>] [-imagesuffix <suffix>] [-local]] [-plotsize <size>|-<size>] [-skipsymmetrical] [-size <size> [-x <size>]]

See the common options too.

-continuous: Continuously tile, i.e. pieces can be laid out to be split on two tiling areas. Produces many more solutions.
-counts: Calculate and display tiling counts. [See also -skipsymmetrical.]
-skipsymmetrical: Skip (ignore) symmetrical tiling solutions. This will usually cut the number of solutions by factor 4.
-size: Do the tilings for a specified figure size.
-x: Do the tilings for a specified X dimension size. Smaller X are found faster. [-size option is required.]

Sample: sqtile -counts -skipsymmetrical -size 5:

figure size 5: 1*60 board: 0 distinct tilings
figure size 5: 2*30 board: 0 distinct tilings
figure size 5: 3*20 board: 2 distinct tilings
figure size 5: 4*15 board: 368 distinct tilings
figure size 5: 5*12 board: 1010 distinct tilings
figure size 5: 6*10 board: 2339 distinct tilings

sqfigb usage

sqfigb (the non-recursive approach) does counts only. sqfigb works with bitmaps and has modest memory requirements, since the generated figures are not kept in memory and are not needed for symmetry considerations, etc.

Copyright Notice and Disclaimer

Copyright (C) 2003 Eric Laroche.  All rights reserved.

This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


current sources (C, platform independent)
current sources for the tiling generator sqtile (C, platform independent, requires sqfig.zip)
current sources for the non-recursive approach [b meaning binary, bitmap, plan b, ...] (C, platform independent)
sqfig-20030317.zip sqtile-20030410.zip sqtile-20030318.zip sqfigb-20030929.zip
older sources (C, platform independent)
bitmap images used by the HTML output encoding (-local option)


current ix86-win32 binary (for Intel 486/Pentium/etc running Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/etc)
current sqtile ix86-win32 binary
current sqfigb ix86-win32 binary

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) List

How do I extract the sources from the zip files (e.g. from sqfig.zip)?

Use any convenient tool, like unzip, pkunzip, winzip or Java's jar with an xf argument.

How do I convert the sources for my Unix system?

E.g. with vi: :%s/C-vC-m//C-m where C-V e.g. means pressing the Control key together with the v key.

How can I properly use the # character on my Unix system shell?

Either quote it (\#) or leave it away (sqfig too works without it).

Is there something wrong with plotsize 1?

Yes. Using plotsize 1 (and [the default] ASCII output encoding) you can't tell whether certain lines are connected or not. This is the case if there is a one square sized concavity, as e.g. in #5.5.1, which is, plotted in size 1, not distinguishable from #6.12.1. Anyway, it makes sense to have this representation for the unproblematic cases (and the non-ASCII encodings); it is left to the user not to use plotsize 1 plots in inappropriate cases. Plotsize 0 however is ok, since in that special cases, not the squares' borders but their contents are plotted.

Is there something wrong with -encoding underscores -plotsize 1?

Yes. Since the underscores encoding doesn't paint the vertices and plotsize 1 does only show vertices, the -encoding underscores -plotsize 1 output is empty (only newlines).

Why is the underscores encoding not supported by sqtile?

This is an implementation problem. The intermediate line-merger used in the underscores encoding is not appropriate for tilings. As tilings don't separate each cell, the line-merger can't merge/purge all lines that need to be. This leads to Y dimensions stretched at some locations (i.e. looks quite ok but has subtle errors). There's no place for hatching (as e.g. used in the sqtile backtracking visualization) in this condensed representation too.

How did you get the smoother output as e.g. found here?

Use the -encoding Terminal-font option.

Are there seemingly duplicate sqtile continuous tiling outputs?

Yes. E.g. figure size 2 tilings allow two tiling cell layouts: the figure contained in the cell and the figure split on two cells. The latter is unfortunately not distinguished by the plot function / tiling representation.

Are there other problems present with continuous tiling plots?

Yes. Since the plot function has no connectivity information (see question above), any piece that is split on two tiling cells while the two parts touch (i.e. the pieces go 'thru' the tiling), misses the border between the parts. This is a problem too with tilings consisting of pieces larger than size 2. A contrary problem does arise e.g. with figure #5.5.1 (U-shaped size 5 piece) in some 3*20 continuous tilings: this time a dotted border is drawn instead of a solid border, for reasons of weak connectivity heuristics.

I don't have permanent network connectivity; where can the bitmaps for the html-with-images encoding be found?

Here. (See also this document's sources section.) [-local option is required]

How can I visualize the tiling backtracking algorithm?

Provide the plotter routine as info callback arguments ['forward' and/or 'back' callback argument] in the tilingEngine() call (see e.g. this for the [unsucessful] size 4 4*5 [non-continuous] backtracking).

Is the backtracking performance better with small X dimension or large X dimension?

The backtracking algorithm is faster with small X dimensions. Rows get filled first and filling small rows reveals unfillable cavities earlier, which leads to earlier backtracking, which is much faster than back tracking late.

Why don't you exchange the X/Y dimensions when calculating solutions for e.g. a 12*5 board instead of a 5*12 board, to make things much faster?

Although it runs much slower, the user controls (let-the-user-decide pattern). This can be used to e.g. illustrate the different run times. In 'automatic' mode (without X dimension option), suppressing symmetrical solutions, larger Xs than Ys are not used.

Why don't you use recursive functions in the backtracking algorithm (as often seen)?

Recursive functions are avoided to be able to (potentially) solve tilings with a larger number of pieces (that e.g. however have a lean solution path tree to run in reasonable time), while preventing stack overflows.

Parts of the algorithm descriptions in this page are a bit unclear, is more information available?

Yes, the program code source is the ultimate reference; it's reasonably documented too.

Are the programs' makefiles portable?

Not really. But they're not very complex, easy to port.

Can you explain the compiler flags used in the makefiles?

Yes: -nologo suppresses the copyright information banner found in some compilers [to make the compiler output more terse and errors/warnings more easily spottable]; -W4 sets maximal warning level [as should be, see C coding guidelines]; -Za ensures ANSI/ISO-C compatibility [helps to avoid non-portabilities]; -GF uses read-only literal string pooling [lessens the program's image size and also helps to avoid non-portabilities]; -MD uses dynamic C-library [lessens the program's image size]; -link -incremental:no suppresses incremental linking [lessens the program's image size and suppresses irrelevant warnings]; -O2 optimizes for speed (note: not maximal optimization is chosen, for the sake of stability) [makes things faster and lessens the program's image size]; -DOPTIM32 defines the OPTIM32 macro to include optimized code (that is only implemented for 32-bit platforms) [makes things faster]; (optional) -Zi includes debug information [to debug/test];

Why don't you use libraries (of object files) instead of object file references?

To keep the build process simple.

Do you expect identifier names namespace problems?

Yes, likely. Software development in C will likely lead to namespace problems. Some identifiers have a prefix (e.g. sqsearch), some have a postfix (e.g. putenvx), some don't have either (e.g. getFigureSet), but even using these rather small prefixes consequently wouldn't guarantee to solve the namespace problems (see link too). As the program sources are provided, it will be easy and convenient to adapt to such problems (otherwise the adapter software pattern would have to be applied).

What is missing?

arbitrary shapes to be tiled [with e.g. index -2 meaning not-part-of-the-board]; tiling with double sets / etc of figures [produces e.g. solutions for #4]; user specified shapes and figure sets; even more elaborated board state resetting in backtrack steps (sqfigb);

Where do I send bug reports to?

To laroche@lrdev.com. There will however be no reward for it. ;-)

Can I link to this page?

Yes. Please feel free to do so.

Can I get update notifications?

Yes. Drop a mail to laroche@lrdev.com and I'll send you notifications when this page (and affiliated pages) is updated. Drop a mail too if you don't want to receive these notifications anymore.


Another 3-dimensional (pentominooid) packing puzzle
This puzzle additionally implements things like multithreading, module decoupling, generalized parser, VRML representation, 3D symmetry considerations, etc.
External polyominoes links
A small list of polyominoes pages with much very valuable information on solving strategies, theory, numerical data, coloring, other puzzles, and sample tilings, pictures of puzzle sets, links, references.
Program dump of the sqfigb ix86-win32 binary
This dump (disassembly) of the highly optimized sqfigb application includes analytical comments on general x86 issues as well as on x86 specific optimizations.
Size 4 5*4 continuous tilings
sqtile generated samples.
Size 5 3*20 tilings
sqtile (-encoding html-with-images) generated samples.
Textual: pentominoes, hexominoes, tetromino tiling backtracking steps
Textual samples, generated by the featured programs, etc, by different encodings at different sizes.

Eric Laroche, laroche@lrdev.com / Fri Mar 7 2003 / last update: Sun Dec 14 2003